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Old 5th November 2014, 11:53 AM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,697

No Jean, from what I can see in the picture, that is a Javanese blade, possibly Pajajaran, possibly Madura sepuh, maybe something else but I'd need it in hand to be certain of anything.

It is not at all unusual to find Javanese and Madurese blades in Balinese dress, and for that matter, Balinese blades in Central Jawa dress. The Balinese were often employed as mercenaries and palace guards, as were the Madurese.

And that's only the genuine stuff I'm talking about.

In recent years, say the last 20 or 30 years, dealers have put low quality old Javanese blades into Balinese dress, added a bit of bling with fancy hilts, and marketed as genuine Balinese.

I guess we could consider this as payback, because in the previous 20 or so years Javanese dealers were going to Bali, buying up Balinese good quality blades, taking them back to Jawa, working them over to appear Javanese, dressing in old Jawa dress and selling as genuine Javanese.


Because at that time Bali blades were worth next to nothing, but there was a good market for quality Jawa keris.

I've seen all this up close and personal.

Then of course we have all the other people, dealers, collectors & etc who mix and match whatever is to hand, and have done so for a very long time.
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