Thread: Why Post?
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Old 25th June 2009, 04:47 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Excellent responses here guys! As always I thank you all for the kindnesses toward my efforts, and recognizing the very deep passion I do have for the study of arms. It has been a lifelong passion that long exceeded my once concurrent passion for collecting. I only gave up the collecting in response to profound life events changing the means required to continue the hobby, not my interest in it. As I mentioned, it is wonderful that all of you so openly share your latest conquests and items in your collections, and I am able to vicariously enjoy them as well as continuing my research, which in kind, I enjoy sharing here.

It is wonderful to see the beautifully crafted responses that you have posted here Vandoo, Fearn, Khanjar and Fearn (I know your real names, but use pen names for the benefit of the readers), and these are well thought out and worded, distinctly reflecting your own styles of writing and your distinct personalities.

Your comments are all well placed, and have genuinely brought to my attention perspective I honestly had not thought of, and very much liked Atlantia's analogy of cornerstones and mortar! I agree that there are many variations to degree of response afforded to various posts, and often in proportion to each individuals familiarity or interest in a piece shared. That is well understood, and I admit that myself I often defer comment on the many topics I have limited resources or knowledge on, a broad range indeed, but honestly try to find something to say by searching as much as I can that I might try to say something.
As noted, I find it very sad to see a post standing with 0 responses.

What always impresses me is that there is indeed a great deal of solidarity here, and it is always a pleasure to see such gentlemanly behaviour even in the presence of obvious disagreement. I do admire the fact that everyone does come in with even kind comments that are 'brief' but complimentary when a new acquisition is posted.

What I am saying is addressed to the many readers out there who are clearly present in considerable numbers and that thier input is welcomed.Despite the amount and depth of knowledge being imparted in these threads, it does not diminish the inclusion of the same kind of pleasant comment noted or well placed questions by newcomers or readers. We know you are out there, and we want to know what you think or what questions you might have.

As I have always emphasized, it is how we all learn..together! We share thoughts , ideas, questions, and observations without reservation.

I would again emphasize my deep gratitude to everyone here who does participate, and in whatever degree, and always admire the contributions in text from which I honestly believe we have all learned a great deal. With reference to the excellent analogy of cornerstones, and mortar....not forgetting the solidarity of the stones, I believe we all stand together as a sort of venerable bastion for the advancement of the study of historic arms and armour.

Thank you again everyone!

All very best regards,
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