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Old 4th October 2009, 03:29 AM   #36
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Posts: 59

Keris Bugis Sumbawa and or Keris Bugis Bima

Dear All

Dynasty of Bima and Dynasty of Gowa have special relationships that last for almost 200 years. It all started in 1616 when Sultan of Bima name Sultan Abdul Khair went to Gowa and learnt Islam. He then married to a princes of Gowa, daughter of Sultan Maliku Said. Sultan Abdul Khair helped Gowa against VOC. He also very close to his Brother in Law name Sultan Hasanudin (I Malombasi Daeng Matawang) Even in the treaty of Bongaya it also stated about Bima as alliance of Gowa. Therefore, it is not surprising to me to see Keris Bugis Makassar also exist in Bima and Sumbawa. It is also mentioned in your (Gustav) link that there were Pande Besi (Smiths) lived in Penana Village in Bima who produced Keris and other traditional weapons. Not only Malacca, Palembang, Batavia, Cirebon, Demak, Tuban, and Makassar who plays important ports. Sumbawa and Bima also considered as important ports between 16 to 18 century. It is also mentioned that Swords from Sumbawa was traded in Palembang. This is also not surprising to me when I see Sword from Palembang has the same model in Bima/Sumbawa. Sultan of Sumbawa and Sultan/Arung from Bugis like to share gifts in form of Tappi (Keris), Alameng (Sword), or Bessi (Spear). As Alan mentioned earlier that in Kupang/Flores also exist Keris Smith known to be Keris Kupang with typical Besi Masir. It is the same like Keris Bugis Sumbawa and or Bima most have identical iron. I found Keris Bugis Sumbawa and or Bima have more variety in shapes, the pamor also nicely constructed compare to Keris Bugis Sulawesi. Since Sulawesi has its own iron mining deposited in Luwu, the local smiths like to use iron from Luwu to make weapons. Besi Luwu is rich in nickel therefore keris originated from Sulawesi is slightly different in material compare to keris from Sumbawa and or Bima although sometimes the shape is identical like Tappi Sapukala (Keris Sepokal). I believe as collectors we are aware that Besi Luwu is long traded in Nusantara and also used as bahan pamor in other regions. Therefore, you can see pamor keris from other regions made from besi Luwu. The Bugis influence is strong in Sumbawa, Bima, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Semenanjung. It shows in the model of Wanua (Warangka) where they adopt boat shape typical form exist in Sulawesi although some are slightly different. You might be confuse when you see a boat shape warangka and your guess the keris is from Sulawesi but when you see the bilah it is very Javanese or Semenanjung. Again, outside look can be similar but inside (the bilah) is totally different because it has been adjusted to the local pattern. I like to add Bugis before the region, eg. Keris Bugis Sumbawa. Why?, because in the outside look (Warangka) is similar to real Bugis (Sulawesi) but in fact in the inside it is Sumbawa.

I am researching and examining, finding facts and datas of keris bugis spread in Nusantara for the last few years and hopefully with the support from friends in Vikingsword I am able to release a book about Keris Bugis sometimes early next year.

Thank you

Andi M. Irvan Zulfikar a.k.a. Sipakatuo
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