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Old 12th February 2022, 05:43 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,237

Hello Cerjak,

I have this one from long time and had never studied it. I found a kris that seems very similar to mine illustrated in "Tammens' De Kris vol. 1"
Tammens based his attribution on the scabbard; whatever one thinks of this notion, your scabbard is of a different type. Thus, let's focus on your piece:

The blade is imported from Java; it may exhibit contrasting pamor and respond well to traditional warangan "washing"/treatment. OTOH, most Bugis-influenced communities nowadays prefer to keep their blades only gently cleaned without staining though. Also the blade lost quite a lot of substance and might have lost most of its original pamor.

The hilt is a very nicely carved example. Close-ups from all sides may help to place it more reliably. Still, these traveled or were traded widely.

The selut is a bit unusual and not the best fit for this hilt; these often got swapped and recycled though.

IMHO, the scabbard does not point towards Sumatra. I'd be inclined to place it within Sulawesi or Sumbawa (however, fittings also traveled - possibly with their seafaring owners). The two copper(?) bands suggest repair attempts. Close-ups of the wood might help, too.

To sum things up, you certainly have a keris worn in a culture influenced by Gowa or Bone/Bugis culture (expat communities as well as many Malay and other communities receiving quite substantial influx/influence).

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