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Old 23rd May 2018, 02:33 PM   #8
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Gustav
So it did go to Singapore
As far as i know this keris now belongs to Michael Marlow, who i had thought was a member here. Perhaps i have him confused with another Michael.
Part of what i find fascinating about the Dwi Warno on this keris is the arrangement because if you haven't noticed there are not just two pamors on each side, but the two actually switch positions on each side which seems very tricky and pretty cool IMHO. Never seen anything quite like it.
They has been quite a bit os discussion on the origins of this keris on a FB page i frequent. Some people have suggested that the keris is Lampung, which doesn't seem correct to me, though i see some references in the hilt similar to Lampung bird hilts. But the motifs around the base look like they have a Gayo influence.
As for the origin of the blade itself Lampung doesn't seem right at all, but is it possible that it is from another area of Sumatra?
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