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Old 11th October 2011, 10:19 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 83

Dear Colin, I don't know the meaning of the holes and their filling but they are very common in central African blades especially in the Congo basin. I also suspect it is some kind of talismanic work. In the Congo blades the holes are usually filled with copper that surely had a talismanic significance but also great value. I do not have the sword with me and therefore I am not able to confirm that is an old cartridge case. I shall check. Many thanks for the beautiful photos. I love these old African photos. Many thanks also for the reference of the book that contain it. I already received in previous time the photo in the left side that is a late XIX century photo of a Mende chief. The sword is therefore Mende. The Mende sword is different from ours because it has a wooden pommel with a anular guard with rounded edges made of wood. It is separated from the forte and from the end of the handle by a brass or iron ring (ferrule in English if I remember well) that is missing in these example. Very great photos
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