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Old 29th November 2010, 02:45 AM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4

Thank you for your replies.
I do wish to restore this piece and to keep in "spirit" with the creators.

Mr. tunggulametung,
I am leaning towards your suggestion of using cane binding for the sheath.
Perhaps Tung Oil for the finish?

As for the hilt / pommel issue...
Mr. Battara,
You are correct in that there are two thin (brass?) bands that are wrapped around the silver stirrups and are extending up the sides of the hilt.
They are broken off at the top and they appear that they were somehow attached to and were holding down the pommel.
I have attached two other pictures of the hilt and the cane wrapping.
From that angle you can see the remnants of those two metal strips.
If you look closer at the cane bindings, you can see that there is actually only one layer covering the wooden hilt. The "inner" layer is inter woven with the "outer" layer, and both are held together by a single strand of cane that is inter-woven between both layers.
It is really neat the way it was done.

As Mr. T_C stated, and I agree, "with all the work that went into the blade, the handle dress would be somewhat more lavish. The finishing touches of the handle don't match the craftsmanship of the blade."

What do you members imagine for this blade as a manner of dress for the hilt?
Would perhaps a one piece, minimally carved mahogany, with silver wire highlights? I would like to keep the same simple utilitarian profile.
Would something like this be true to the tribal region?

All opinions and recommendations will be valued and considered.

There is a story that goes with this piece, as to how I came to be in possession of it.
Around 2001 I went to a local flea market and I happened to look in to a bucket of old rusty tools and there it was. Laying in the bucket hilt down, with two pipe wrenches on top and under an assortment of screwdrivers, chisels, 2 hammers and a bent machete. The sheath was taped together with rotted duct tape and separate from the kris. The blade and hilt was covered with layers of dried mud and grime.
I asked the old lady selling it for some information.
She said that her husband brought it back from the war and he told her that it was old. It was in the garage for years. I think I paid $25.00 or $30.00 for it.
I honestly believed that I would find a rusty pile of junk under all of that muck, but the more I cleaned the bigger the smile on my face got.
There is still a thin layer of black oxidation on it, and a thin film of gun oil.
There are also faint hints of damascene shapes and lines just aching to get out.

You guys are great!

Thank you much,

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