Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
28th November 2024, 01:17 AM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
David, I have not ever given a great deal...
David, I have not ever given a great deal attention to the matter you would like to see clarified. I think that in face to face discussion we would normally stay with whatever name the first person...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
27th November 2024, 09:12 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
26th November 2024, 07:02 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
1) I have not considered any reasons for the...
1) I have not considered any reasons for the hilt being fluted, I have only noted that it is fluted and that this characteristic not one that I have previously seen.
2) The form & execution of...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
26th November 2024, 01:08 AM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
David, the hilt you have shown is absolutely...
David, the hilt you have shown is absolutely typical of North Coast Jawa through into East Jawa, I've got some of these myself.
To me, the carving of Wijaya's hilt, although very good, displays a...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
25th November 2024, 08:09 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
David, I have not seen this FB video.
I do...
David, I have not seen this FB video.
I do not do FB, I was very briefly a member, then FB became too intrusive, and I was unable to see any plus factors at all in continuing with FB, I cannot...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
25th November 2024, 05:50 AM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
As I have commented, as you have recognised,...
As I have commented, as you have recognised, David, I cannot give an opinion, just comments.
So here is another comment:- I have yet to see any Javanese hilt or selut that has similar design...
Forum: Keris Warung Kopi
24th November 2024, 10:35 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 7,673
This is not an opinion, what follows is only...
This is not an opinion, what follows is only comment based upon feeling.
The blade is not stylistically Javanese. It might be recent Madura work but if so the craftsman has not been consistent in...