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Old 30th January 2020, 12:09 PM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,703

Interesting Jean.

Perhaps now you might understand the reason why I take very little notice of books.

The names that this most respected publication gives to these illustrated motifs are, I have no doubt absolutely correct.

In Europe.

But regrettably, absolutely incorrect according to the people from whom I learnt, who lived, and in some cases, still live, in Solo Jawa Tengah.

Also, absolutely incorrect according to the gentleman who made this keris.

But really, we should not be too critical about the fact that the people in Solo who made keris with these pamors used different names for them than did the people who have written about them. They had probably never read the books , so they just went on naming these pamors as they had learnt from others before them.

As for the certificate, well I guess its a matter of exactly who we place the most belief in:- makers, or administrators.

Actually, these European sources do not stand alone. I think perhaps Harsrinuksmo might also use names that he sourced from somewhere other than Solo.

I've never seen this "Pamor Atlas", but I have seen the Tammens pamor volume. There is a bit in that doesn't quite fit in with Solo ideas too.

As I think most of us already know:- there is no universal agreement, my background is Solo, Empu Suparman, Empu Pauzan, several m'ranggis, several dealers, several other makers who were/are pandes, not empus. I'm happy to stick with my sources, others can select whatever source they wish.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 30th January 2020 at 12:29 PM.
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