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Old 8th July 2016, 08:21 PM   #10
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by satrionumpaknogo
yea you maybe right but when people say Solo or Jogja in term of warangka or sheet usually refer to Gayaman or Ladrang as these particular warangka associated with those two regions.

Regarding Walikat, it is because as I said in Majapahit era n the era before it no body know about gayaman or ladrang. These two warangka created in Mataram era. Majapahit era always use Walikat not because it simple or practical because Majapahit era span 500 years and mostly peaceful era which lead to Kris become piandel or pusaka (sorry dont know what English word for it) not a killing device so no need of practical or simple warangka.

Little explanation about piandel or pusaka, is Kris become something so powerful that to show it power you dont need to unsheet it just bring it and put it in your waist. I dont know you guys westerner understand or not but I can more clearer if you allow me I will put it on it own thread.

It is also an insult when keris Sajen being said as keris Majapahit, because keris sajen been exist as far as Kadiri and Daha Kingdom era or old Sunda even Sriwijaya and Medang Kamulan era.

Keris is not a killing device this you guys must understand. Its not wavy dagger use to stab some one or to kill some one. It is Karya Sastra Adiluhung written in the language of shape n metallurgy.

I think I will write about it and open a thread because there is big misunderstanding regarding Kris been going on. It need to be corrected

Satrio Numpak Nogo sign out hehehe
Thanks for your response. I think we would all enjoy hearing your further perspectives on keris in a separate thread. You may want to spend some time in our archives first though, to understand just what we actually do understand here before attempting to correct any perceived misconceptions. This is an international forum made up of collectors from all around the world and we have many Indonesian members as well as Westerners. There are many members here who have been studying the keris and keris culture for decades including a member who apprenticed in keris making with a Keraton Empu for many years. The vast majority of our members are well aware that "Keris Majapahit" is a misnomer and that keris sajen is far better term for this type of keris and that Ladrang and Gayaman sheath styles are latter developments than the Walikat form. It would be a good idea to get to know your audience before you tell them how wrong they have been. Your words, knowledge and opinions are welcome here and will be respected. We would ask that you do the same regarding the knowledge and opinions of our other members.
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