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Old 25th July 2007, 02:01 PM   #229
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Thank you Usmen. I think i am able to grasp the meaning of "sipat piandel" through your usage of the term. You pose a very interesting question, i believe, and my answer to it is that very simply we don't need any particular medium, be it keris, holy books or whatever, to connect ourselves to the "Singularity".
The direct line is always there and can always be accessed. But personally i sometimes like to travel along a more winding path to see what the "Singularity" may have manisfest there. There may also be other lessons to be learned on that less direct path and one can find a different beauty manifested there (such as in the form of the keris) that one would miss otherwise. I believe the key here is not to fall prey to the idea that one cannot do without the trappings of one's Art in order to accomplish the "Great Work" that lies before us. When we do such things become merely a crutch that in the end has an opposite effect of weighing us down in our materialism when we really want to "fly". But if we understand the true nature of our tools and always keep in mind that ultimately they are unnecessary they can infact make the journey more "colorful".
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