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Old 23rd May 2018, 10:16 AM   #1
Paul de Souza
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Singapore
Posts: 65
Default Dwi Warna or Empat (4) Warna?

I don't own this keris but found this on the net. I have permission to use these pictures here.

The pamor is pretty amazing. I have only seen blades with 2 pamors where one side of the blade will have one pamor while the other side will have the other pamor. But here we have a keris where the two different pamor are side by side. But not only that , the 2 pamors changes its position on the face of the blade. On one face the straight pamor is next to the kembang kacang and the wavy pamor is by the aring. One the other face, the position of the pamor changes. It is like there are 4 panels of pamor on the blade. I think the pictures best explain what I mean.

How is this attained? I guess this is rare. Is there a name for such a pamor arrangement?
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