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Old 2nd June 2011, 03:08 PM   #15
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 180

Indeed Arjan to reply on your comment, it takes a long time and research to be able to distinguish a particular style to each different Dayak subgroup and also to geographic locations. But is is certainly possible!
This is what I have done for years and thats why I had made this map.

Every subgroup has its own style or better said characteristics and by this it is certainly possible to pinpoint a specific mandau to a specific location.
This is actually not only regarding Mandaus from Borneo but in general to any tribal art item (must be good old and authentic ofcourse). This is ofcourse depending on the amount of studymaterial been done or available (to the researcher).

You are right that influences and traded materials (blades) can make specific identification more dificult. For instance; a lot of tribes like the Bahau and Aoheng and Modang all use the particular long mouth design with teeth looking like a row of pianokeys and also the characteristic 'fat elbow' .

But I wont go in so far details here. As everybody knows it would take a long long story to explain and found my opinion detail by detail.

This research on base of the old Photos and many books and than being able to pinpoint YOUR mandau (or any item) to a specific location or/and perhaps ceremonial use is what it makes such fun collecting these!
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