Thread: Keris Selit
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Old 15th November 2017, 11:10 AM   #20
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Newbold, "Political and Statistical Account of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca (...)", 1839, quotation from a Malayan MS on Krisses and process of damasking.

"How to damask Krises. - Place on the blade a mixture of boiled rice, sulphur, and salt beat together, first taking the precaution to cover the edges of the weapon with a thin coat of virgin wax. After this has remained on seven days, the damask will have risen on surface; take the composition off, and immerse the blade in the water of a young cocoa-nut, or the juice of a pine-apple, for seven days longer, and wash it well with the juice of a sour lemon. After the rust has been cleared away, rub it with warangan (arsenic) dissolved in lime juice; wash it well with spring water; dry, and anoint it with a cocoa-nut oil."

A very nice Keris Selit, David, in fact one of the nicest I have seen so far. Unusual to see one with a manipulated (more elaborate) Pamor. For so many of these KS blade wasn't the important part anymore. Yours is an exception.
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