Thread: Pitch
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Old 8th October 2015, 05:29 AM   #14
Pukka Bundook
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 803

I don' think the various pitch types let go at a critical time very often Trench.

They are very tough and shock absorbent. Occasionally we find one a bit loose nowadays, but that is on swords etc. that are now very old.
I have had a few loose ones, and they take a lot of getting apart to re-set them. Heat is required but one has to be careful not to get the blade too hot.
I don't believe there would be a higher percentage let go at the 'wrong' moment than with any other type of sword.
If one appeared a little shaky, it would be re-set before it was used again I am sure, and then good for a Very long time.
We must remember that the various gums and saps used were developed hundreds of years ago, and would have been superseded with something else if not entirely suitable

Just my thoughts mind you!
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