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Old 25th June 2022, 04:16 AM   #2
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by naturalist View Post
Some said the handle is in "belutan" style.
In original sheath and handle.
The handle, sopal (see the last picture, marked with 2), and simpay are from water buffalo horn.
This particular blade is known to always have poison. (I am still thinking to clean the blade or just leave in as it is).
No 1 in last picture is a hole at the handle that is sealed with unknown material. Some people believe it is where the antidote is placed.
Hullo naturalist!

“belutan” = eel-like.

Of course, as the owner of the piece, you have the right to name the handle as you will.
However, I follow a “pakem” that dates back to at least the the 12th.C.
In the absence of data “from the horse’s mouth”, please consider whether you can reconcile the “perah” with a stylised “makara”, “ceker kidang”, or a “belut” (or perhaps, indeed, with something else).

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