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Old 5th July 2006, 11:44 PM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,708

Pangeran Datu

I have noted your response to Sigit Subagio, and I thank you most sincerely for sharing this information with us, however, regretably , for me, the list of names you have provided raises more questions than it answers.

I would beg your indulgence in this matter, as the information that you provided in your intial post is information that I believe all of us with an interest in Indonesian weaponry would find most interesting. My own experience is in Central Jawa, and I have very little knowledge of Sundanese culture or institutions. I am sure, that those readers who have no understanding at all of the Indonesian language would be even more mystified than I am by the list of names you have provided.

Accordingly, I would be greatly obliged if could expand your explanation just a little by the provision some notes on your sources. For instance, I only know of the word "pantun" as a poetry form. Is Pantun Bogor, a particular piece of poetry? Composer known? Traditional? Dates from?How does it contribute to your data?

Wawacan terah Pasundan I do not understand. "wawacan" I do not understand, Pasundan I understand, "Terah" I have no idea of the meaning of.

Musium sri Baduga in Bandung--understood, but in what sense is this your source? Are you quoting from a musium publication, or a display tag? Do we know the author?

Yayasan Pangeran Sumedang, alright, the Pangeran Sumedang Foundation, but what is this foundation, what does it do, and how is the source for your information?

Paguyuban Pasundan, The Sundanese Association, ( or, as you say, whatever they may call themselves now), again, what is this association, what does it do, and how is it the source for your information?

As I said earlier:- your information is very interesting for many of us, if you could expand, your additional contribution would be of inestimable value.

I apologise to putting these questions to you, but I am sure that you understand just how important it is to adequately record any information of this kind.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

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