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Old 9th August 2018, 07:53 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Ian

We are again getting into the frustrating game (for observers) of "what's in a name." If you want to know Artzi Yarom's opinion, ask him. As best I can tell, Artzi numbers his items sequentially as they enter his inventory. Thus, lower numbered items seem to have been acquired earlier than higher numbered items. He uses the term pesh kabz for the earlier items and zirah bouk for the later ones. It appears he changed his mind over time about what to call them, and more recently favors zirah bouk. That's an assumption on my part, but ask him.

Ariel makes a cogent argument for zirah bouk, based on the Persian term for "mail piercer." That seems pretty convincing to me.

Dear Ian.

Here is what Artzi writes, in the description of objects 5887 and 7961, calling them Pesh Kabz:
"The last 2 ½ inches are swollen to a heavy diamond cross-section tip in a typical Zirah-Bouk (Mail Piercer)". By the way, the term "mail piercer" is written on the website of Artzi

That is, it's Pesh Kabz with a point like Zirah Bouk.

But, of course, it is ideal to ask the opinion of the highly respected Artzi.

Look, please, here are these items:

Probably, following the opinion of the respected Ariel, all these daggers should also be called Zirach Boke? They all have - massively swollen reinforced tip (larger or smaller):
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Last edited by mahratt; 9th August 2018 at 08:05 AM.
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