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Old 6th July 2017, 05:16 AM   #56
Gonzalo G
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Originally Posted by Chris Evans
He deals with the origins of the navaja at some length and concluded that the earliest reliably dated folding clasp knife that has been able to find goes back to 1699, but I have to point out that it is quite unlike what we would call a `navaja'.

Having stated this, he goes on to say that the navaja made its appearance in the 17th century, being mentioned by Cervantes as weapons, but these early references do not describe them with any precision, so all we know is that they were folding knives. Well, my take on this is that barber's razors go back to ancient times and also were used violently at times so....

As you rightly point out, folding knives have been around since Roman times, so the birth of the classical navaja, for lack of a better term, is a matter of arbitrary definition based on typology.
Chris, although I agree with you in many points, I must add that I still have my doubts about the bias or limitations in Forton's work. Or José Sanchez Ferrer's statements about the origin of the production of knives and navajas in Albacete, since more recent investigations has been made on this matter. About the origins of the navajas and since you mention it, Abel Domenech´s book on this subject, shows in page 3 a drawing of a roman navaja which in general terms has the general features of a modern navaja, though probably in a more primitive form and without a locking mechanism. As I understand, the navaja does not have to have a locking mechanism to be considered a navaja, but this a matter of typology. What calls my attention, is the fact that on the documents of the 13th Century from the city of Alcaraz on the province of Albacete, there are clear mentions on the tax imposed to the commerce of navajas. And they use this specific word, "navajas", well before Cervantes. Please see the book by Aurelio Pretel Marín et al, Alcaraz: Del Islam al Consejo Castellano, published by the Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses “Don Juan Manuel”, Alcaraz, Spain, 2013 (it is for free online). On the page 325, you can see the articles taxed by this city, and the navajas are one of them. The tax apply for a dozen of them. Please see for sourself:

What does it says to you? To me, it says that the subject is not completely investigated. Maybe because those old items disapeared in time or were destroyed, maybe also because this production ended with the christian conquest, as many other valuable Moorish industries (the production of silk, rugs and weapons made of wootz, as indicated on the sources, but it is the matter for another thread). It must be added this quote about the production of edged weapons in Alcaraz:

"En el campo de la artesanía, pocos vestigios nos han quedado que puedan
arrojar luz, pero son los suficientes para hacer ver que debió desarrollarse en
Alcaraz la orfebrería, al menos a finales de siglo. En 1.401 firman juntos un
documento dos plateros de la villa: Alfonso Vel y Juan Ruíz (262). También se
dió allí una temprana tradición de los trabajos de forja y, sobre todo, de
fabricación de cuchillería y armas, en los que destacaban los mudéjares. Un
fragmento mínimo de carta que conservamos (263 ) nos habla de que los moros huidos antes de 1.382, a causa de la presión fiscal, eran "ferreros e cochilleros". Posiblemente, algunos fueran artesanos establecidos por su cuenta, pero es más probable que, en su mayor parte, estos "oficiales" trabajaran por cuenta ajena. Ello explicaría quizás el hecho de que el patriciado alcaraceño solicitase de la Reina que eximiese de tributos de aljama a estos infieles, para que pudieran volver a su labor. De todas formas, la crisis de la comunidad islámica arrastró también, al parecer, la de la cuchillería y armería local. Sabemos que, en 1.393, algunos alcaraceños compraban en Murcia sus 'fojas de armas" (264)."

Pretel Marín, Aurelio, Una ciudad castellana en los siglos XIV y XV (Alcaraz 1300-1475), Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses "Don Juan Manuel", 1978, pág.61.

In a few words, Alcaraz was a center of production of knives; those associated with this production were charateristically muslims and, this production decayed or completely dissapeared because the muslim knifemakers and blacksmiths didn't want to live anymore in this city (or in Spain, basically due the extreme religious intolerance). This also explains why the production of navajas was an item already contemplated in the taxation system already mentioned from the 13th Century.

Now, what kid of navajas were produced? I don't believe they were barber razors. Muslims and christian alike were not adept to shave, as the Romans and Greeks. This is why I believe that the history of the navaja in Spain is incomplete and that the participation of the musim population in this history has been deliberately ignored by past researchers. And that the stylistic features of many traditional Spanish navaja are in fact muslim. There is more information on the subject, demostrating that in the city of Albacete there were muslim knifemakers even in the 15th Century.

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