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Old 2nd December 2019, 11:16 AM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: France
Posts: 203

I saw in thoses artifacts, ancient weapons, ancient tradition and ancient culture. Maybe it was pretty dirty things. But, the Swords you collect maybe killed innocent women, men and child, maybe, it was used to rob someone or murder. Think about Nepalese Kora or Indian Sword, used to sacrifying animals...
Everything isn't bright in a society, in a different cultural way. But, the weapon itself, the construction, the way it's made and use is interessant.
By the way, i don't thing this thread need to end. Maybe move up to miscellaneous. Thanks for response about european way to Armor dogs, i wasn't aware of this. And if anybody got informations, i Hope we Can continu to talk about this, without anger.
Have a good day everybody.
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