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Old 29th April 2009, 01:31 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Michael,

Here is another variation of the Kuku Rimau, leaning towards a hybrid with a Korambi.
From my sources, kuku rimau seems to me just another name for what we usually refer to as kerambit/korambi/lawi ayam/kuku ayam (a family of blades rather than a single, specific type). Do you have any references associating kuku rimau with the Sumatran blade type shown by Freddy?

Anybody else who has other variations to share so we can learn more about this knife?
IMHO, this is an "undocumented" Sumatran dagger distinct from the korambi family (i. e. blade and hilt may lend to somewhat different usage). I've seen several of these and have tried to research their origin. Need to take pics though...

BTW, I believe that Michael's piece is fairly recent (e.g. the edge has never been sharpened) and probably not a traditional style. When I first saw fuzzy seller's pics I thought this might possibly be workmanship from around WW2 but upon examination I'm inclined to think that this is more recent and not really made for local use, sorry.

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