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Old 7th February 2017, 01:53 AM   #5
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by kai
I believe this also is a karmadikan blade (very difficult to estimate from the pics though).

Could you give us an overview on the current blacksmithing done in Sulawesi Selantan, please? I have seen quite a few blades of current era production and I would be very interested to hear some insider info about the empu/panre doing this work! If it's too tough to do in English, just write it in Bahasa Indonesia and we'll try to do a translation...
I agree that it is hard to tell from these images, but i suspect this entire ensemble is very likely contemporary. The hilt is a lovely and intricate carving as far as i can tell, very nice craftsmanship. But the very even tone makes me believe it has been stained to achieve this antique look.
It has always been the policy of these fora that we write our posts in English. Given the very international nature of our membership it could get pretty messy if everyone wrote in their native tongues. While i appreciate your offer to translate Kai i would much prefer that La Pagura continue as best he can in English. We can always ask for clarification if there is some confusion with a post. Thanks!
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