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Old 30th August 2021, 06:46 AM   #4
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Any improvements at the following attempts at translation of the chapter headings would be welcome.

Yuwono (Basuki Teguh) & Zon (Fadli). Keris Minangkabau (Fadli Zon Library, Jakarta Pusat, 2016). Includes, verso of titlepage, a list of the museums (8) and collectors (5) from whose collections photographs were taken; pp. xxiii-xliii, glossary; 1-65, ch. I, Minangkabau Pusat Budaya Keris Rumpun Sumatera [Minangkabau Cultural Centre for keris of Sumatran origin] ; 66-149, ch. II, Ragam Jenis Keris Minangkabau [various kinds of Minangkabau keris] ; 151-77, ch. III, Latar Belakang Sejarah [background history of] Keris Minangkabau; 178-325, ch. IV, Visualisasi [i.e. many photographs of] Keris Minangkabau, including, 184-5, names of parts of the sheath, and 186-91, names of parts of the blade, with photographs, and, 295-305, ninety hilts; 326-73, ch. V, Bahan [materials used for] Keris Minangkabau, including, 345-61, descriptions and picture of types of wood 374-420, ch. VI, Fungsi dan Peran Keris Bagi Masyarakat Minangkabau [function and role of the keris in Minangkabau society]; 421-30, bibliography; 438-42, appendix, a table of 'Nama-nama kerajaan yang berhubungan dengan Minangkabau' [Royal names associated with Minangkabau]. With many good colour photographs, a mixture of full page photographs, and smaller photographs in the margins of many pages, with, for most of them, a brief description, and the name of the collection; some outstanding keris are included, e.g. pp. 106-7, Keris Siginjei; 140-1 Riau keris as in Jessup; 177, Keris Kyai Singkir, as well as a good number from Banjarmasin, Sulawesi and many other parts of Sumatra. With a few photographs of men wearing keris, 19th-20th cent.
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