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Old 29th November 2020, 03:05 PM   #23
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Lancashire, England
Posts: 34

Originally Posted by gp
sickening to show this pics and justify these items

as for " religious foundations": these can also be applied to the inquisition, burning of witches, abuse of women and children ....very bright thinking I would say. Amin Maalouf wrote a nice book about the crusaders with regards to this topic ; a book I can highly recommend you all !

also "not be judgemental of the beliefs, traditions and conventions of cultures other than our own"
would imply that I should not comment on the guillotine or Zyklon B if I take it literally as these were not part of my own culture beliefs, traditions and conventions ...? Come on!

@ mods :

I rather have a discussion about a fantasy weapon than animal cruelty.'
Just from a moral perspective and taste
It's a bit of a leap from collars used to stop working dogs having their throats ripped out to Zyclon B.

Last edited by DaveF; 29th November 2020 at 04:31 PM.
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