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Old 12th June 2005, 06:44 AM   #20
tom hyle
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Houston, TX, USA
Posts: 1,254

Originally Posted by nechesh
IMO it is high art.
I agree, but that does not imply that there is anything especially difficult about the cuts or anything. The beauty and inspiration of the conception and the skill required for the execution are two pretty much entirely different things. I desire to explain myself as at least two persons seem to have somewhat misunderstood my statement. There is nothing particularly clumsy, amateurish, etc. about the execution of this piece (except perhaps the fingers, but I'm not convinced that's unintentional), however.......however, the cuts are simple, the surfaces are sweeping; there is little to no intricate detail (especially by Oceanic SE Asian terms); thus, everything about the carving, while not showing failure of skill, other than the debatable/unknown situation with the hands (which is exactly what I was pursuing of course), also does not display any especially great carving skill. I don't know this wood, but truly I'm pretty sure I could carve this, or come real close, given time and the will, and with my knives sharp and plenty to smoke, and I am no master carver; I often see carvings on this forum of which I would not say this. This simplicity in no way denigrates this sculpture! It could even be considered to speak of its essence.
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