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Old 26th November 2006, 05:04 PM   #199
Ann Feuerbach
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 133

Hi Chris,
You are right. I have been arguing that hypoeutectoid crucible steel (producing ferrite/pearlite banding pattern) should not been seen as inferior. I am SURE that both were made in the same workshop, and were in the furnace next to each other, to control a difference between >0.8% and <0.8% would have been difficult to control. I am sure that cast iron was occasionally made as well.

Also, when I did my PhD I found that only 18 blades had been studied, which is why I am trying to increase that "database". How can we base any theories on such a small sample base? Plus, where the sample was take on the blade is also a concern when it comes to microstructures etc.

Just a note to say that I am not against any quenching/tempering of ancient blades, just the lack of evidence, but as mentioned above, could be due to sampling.
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