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Old 14th March 2009, 02:09 AM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,725



And that is what makes something of this nature so desireable.

Not to put onto any keris, but to add diversity to a collection of keris hilts.A similar motive to that which propelled PBX.

You don't know Bobby Zimmerman? How about Bob Dylan?

Same bloke.

Paul Schutze I know. He's a very good axeman (the cutting kind, not the musical kind). I was unaware that he also had musical talents until I read your post, Marco --- or maybe my Paul and your Paul are different people. Anyway, I accessed some of your Paul's work from google. Not quite my speed I'm afraid.

When I first discovered gamelan I found it captivating. Bought recordings, listened to a lot of it, even tried re-scoring some western pieces in slendro and pelog. It reckon it took me about twenty years to get to understand gamelan, and when I did, I decided that it was not really my sort of thing.There is no doubt that gamelan is very, very clever, and it takes very, very talented musicians to play it well. There's a segment on Attenborough's "Tribal Eye" that shows just how incredibly clever the best gamelan musicians can be.Now, 50 odd years after discovering gamelan, I have finally decided that it is not quite my thing.

I know that some amongst those who read this will want to send me to the bathroom to wash my mouth out with soap after I say this, but I really don't like gamelan music much. Some of the Bali gamelan I can tolerate. Most Javanese gamelan I don't like much at all. I like langgam Jawa, and I like kroncong, but not gamelan. Guess I'm just a barbarian.
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