Thread: The Kingdom.
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Old 21st November 2009, 12:43 AM   #25
Amuk Murugul
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 457

Hullo everybody!

Many decades have taught me that generally speaking, in the real world, absolute truths are very hard to come by. More readily available are belief systems. As one has a limited lifespan... and indeed a very limited amount of time to research every detail to its primary source ( if still available), one tends to adopt a belief system to compensate.
Humans have a tendency to behave like sheep. It is easier to follow and extrapolate someone else's work than to do one's own. Oh for the availability of more GOATS!
There are many different truths about the same thing, depending on perspective. So it is with belief systems. In some cases, even absolute truths have been rejected through lack of belief/faith in it, to be replaced by more acceptable, concocted myths.
From my perspective, it's a distinct advantage to be part of IA. However, even in IA one musn't shy away from the process of reiterative investigation. It is a lot easier if, even within IA, one identifies/establishes others who can serve as reliable secondary/tertiary/etc. sources (to save continual duplication of effort).
To totally understand an icon from a culture, one needs to understand the culture which produced that icon. One should not evaluate the icon according to the value/belief system of another culture. Aspects may be missed and indeed, misunderstood altogether.
To be able to ask the 'right' questions during the various stages of an investigation I have found EMPATHY to be most invaluable, followed by the sights: sight, hindsight, foresight and insight.


Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 21st November 2009 at 01:54 AM.
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