Thread: Keris Bahari?
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Old 12th May 2012, 02:48 AM   #19
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Actually Ariel, coconut water might be more traditional. Pineaapple juice is a tried and true acid that works slowly enough as not to do much damage to the metal as it cleans rust and dirt from the blade. You can let it soak for days, but you should hit it with an old toothbrush a couple of times a day during the soak. I use it at the suggestion of Alan Maisey and it works great. I think it is probably more gentle than vinegar. Canned is fine, but unsweetened please.
The handle should have some play in it unless it was epoxied or something stupid like that. Try wiggling it gently while slowly trying to pulling it off. If it doesn't move you may need to gently heat the blade to loosen whatever is binding the pesi (tang).
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