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Old 5th May 2012, 08:20 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall

With that perspective, I wonder how reliable classification to certain tribal groups really is based on these kinds of markings and motif. It seems that through various kinds of contact they would adopt favored selections and use them along with others.

All best regards,
this is where it gets complicated, jim. certain markings can be attributed to a particular group, as in what is known as ukkil, or okir designs in which each major tribe has a particular style. some markings tends to be universal, as in those asterisk on michael's example..

Even stuff like the Agimat or Anting Anting talismans. It is well known to be dated back to pre-hispanic times, but the symbols you see now associated with them are mostly Christian in design. Some believing the converted natives actually just substituted their old symbols, words, and spiritual beings for those the Spanish forced on to the now they are Christian saints, symbols, latin prayers(oricions). Freemasonry as well being incorporated in these designs, since during the turn of the 20th century, Freemasonry greatly impacted these areas by Filipino leaders of the revolution...particularly those who hid out and made their headquarters in places like Mt Banahaw and Mt Cristobal. Attached is an old Anting Anting protection vest...similar to what groups like the Pulajanes would wear. Sorry for getting off topic, but I think it somewhat parallels this topic.
not off topic at all, dimasalang. these incorporations was not only a phenomenon in the christian part but was also done in islam south (hence, folk islam)...
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