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Old 7th March 2015, 12:36 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kubur

For your 'Ottoman' concern.

It's funny I have discussed this previously in several posts.
Basically people know that Ottoman empire was big.
But when we talk about arms and armors, they just think about Turkey and Balkans...........I'm very interested in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria,Tunisia and Egypt).

I will post more stuff to enlarge a limited narrowed vision on Balkans and Turkey.

To finish, you can find Balkans arms in Algeria and the pistols with coral inlays are not all from Algeria...
Just guys open your mind to other area of the Ottoman empire (like Hijaz for example)...

Kuber, I am also very interested in weapons and armor from North Africa (Morocco, Algeria,Tunisia and Egypt). My point when discussing whether a particular item is from a certain part of the vast Ottoman empire is that if you are to positively state that an item is in fact "Algerian", "Balkan", "Albanian" "Egyptian" etc then there should be certain general characteristics that are repeatedly seen in other similar examples.

So far I do not see anything about the bichaq that Battara posted which shouts out as being "Algerian", but since I am not as familiar with Algerian weapons as some other forum members I would appreciate anyone who can show me what in particular would make the bichaq that Battara posted appear to be Algerian or even Balkan. To me it looks like a flat out Ottoman bichaq with not enough distinguishing characteristics to pin point a particular region of use or manufacture.
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