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Old 25th May 2011, 12:02 AM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,725

Artisana, it is exactly as Rick has said:-

education costs money

real keris, whether old or recent are not cheap, especially when they are purchased in Indonesia.

People with limited experience often have the idea that if one goes to the source, one is able to acquire genuine old, or good quality keris --- or other artifacts --- at a lower price than if they buy outside of the area of origin. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Unless one is an accepted member of the keris trade in Indonesia, it is very likely that one will acquire keris that do have a great value as, let us say, "teaching pieces". That is, keris that when one has gained sufficient knowledge and experience, do have the very valuable property of being examples of what to avoid.

I continually see examples of keris and other weapons that have been acquired in Indonesia by people who are inadequately prepared to buy in that country. Very occasionally I will see something that is a true find, mostly what I see is the product of an experienced dealer, or a shyster, who has managed to convince an inexperienced person to part with some money.

Usually I do not comment on these keris unless I am pointedly and privately asked.

However, in your case it is obvious to me that you do need a little bit of advice, if you are prepared to accept it.

May I most respectfully suggest that if you have an interest in the keris, that you do not spend a single penny more until you have spent some time going through some of the threads in this Forum, and accessing some good reading material.

Here is a link to a reasonably good reading list:-
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