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Old 17th September 2018, 05:34 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 37

Hi Richard!

One way to see and read Finnish Seal-guns is first put
computer ""----then write word "hyljepyssy".

Youl'l find photos and other data of them-and using google translator
perhaps can have it your language.

One my friend owns seal gun made Mauser-rifle lock and it is now
caliber 7x54. Patrons have to make self to this.Pitty I don't have

Old ones made using all kind of parts-muskets...but some smiths
made whole rifle self.

One perhaps interesting history is when Krim war was active-came British warships to Finnish coast (we where part of Russia) -and one battle was front of Kokkola town .Day of battle was 7th of June 1854. Two British boats-HMS Vulturen and HMS Odin where those boats.

HMS Vulturen and HMS Odin send 9 barcasses -leaders ltn. Burton and ltn.Wise and full group of men on board. But they didn't know that there was waiting group of Finnish seal-hunter with guns back buildings.And those men really can shoot! When sealhunter started-Finnish soldiers too started with own guns and canons... So it happens that Finnish group branched one barcass and took British soldiers as prisoners. British navy loosed 1 barcass, 3 officers and 15 seaman died...3 officers and 31 seaman was captured.

Name of battle was "Halkokarin kahakka" and best seal hunter named Matts Kankkonen-he shot First Ltn. Garrington -got very high badge (St. Georgs Knight medal) from Russian Empire Nikolai and Kokkonen was painted-painting is now in our president's "castle". Here are photos of that battle-borrowed from i-net.

regards Markku
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