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Old 8th January 2010, 08:14 PM   #3
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,704

In my experience wood glues, especially the modern ones, have a tendency to generate rust if they come into contact with ferric material. To reglue this joint is simple, but if any glue gets inside the scabbard and later contacts the blade, you could have a rust problem.

Five minute epoxy is the most satisfactory adhesive.

Clean the joint thoroughly, roughen the surfaces, make a wedge that you can insert through the mouth of the wrongko to keep the surfaces to be glued, together. Smear the blade lightly with a release compound---car polish is good--- spread a very small amount of glue on the surfaces, bring the parts together, insert the blade to align the parts, hold the parts in place with your left hand while you carefully remove the blade with your right hand, insert the wedge without moving the alignment of the parts, clean the outside of the joint with water if the joint will be seen, if you are using a pendok, wait until its dry then cut it off. Clean the inside of the joint with a chisel. Wait for any epoxy on the blade to dry, then pick it off with a sharp piece of wood, wash the car polish off with mineral turps, and then drench the blade with WD40.
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