Thread: Valuable sticks
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Old 17th April 2006, 04:10 PM   #5
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Very interesting article Tim,
it seems that the perception of an article's worth is often gauged by its monetary value in today's society. The Holy Grail, of legend, was often described as being made of precious metal and gem stones, this, presumably to enhance the significance of such a religious icon. In reality the grail, the supposed drinking vessel used at the last supper would have been much, much more modest. ( I also appreciate the grail, is also believed to be symbolic of the 'wife' of Jesus..... but that’s another story.)
My simplified, generalised point is this, our modern, westernised views of what qualities objects are revered for, has changed to a more materialistic stance away from our ancestor's more spiritual view. (Unfortunately )

Having said that, there is a piece of cloth, that has been visited by hundreds of thousands of people; is held, by those who believe, to be one of greatest Christian religious relics...... the Turin shroud, in essence .....a linen about those 'sticks' ?!!?
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