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Old 27th May 2005, 03:31 AM   #9
Jim McDougall
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Hi Mike,
It seems there have been quite a few inconclusive discussions on the flyssa around here over the years. I think your observations are all very well placed especially the concerns about exactly how these usually terribly balanced straight sabres might have been used. It does seem to suggest that they may have been intended for ceremonial wear, however I did find an example which was captured in battle by the French Foreign Legion in 1857. Perhaps some obscure narrative or record kept by French forces might have some clue as to how these might have been used in combat.

You are quite right about the Berbers as well as Tuaregs maintaining many elements of early animist traditions and superstitions that well preceded the advent of Islam. The folk religion that exists concurrently with often nominal observance of the Muslim Faith is reflected in the symbolism found in much of the material culture and weapons of the many tribes of the Berbers and Tuaregs, varying widely of course in regional application.

Probably the most distinct examples of such symbolism are the symbols and geometric motif found on the flyssa. Most of this symbolism seems focused toward one of the key elements of such folk religion, that of the dread of the evil eye. The triangular motif along the back of the blade corresponds to the 'fibula' figure signifying the expanded hand held up against the evil eye.
The other symbols and motif, including the stylized zoomorphic figure of the pommel are still very much speculated on.

Also much speculated, is the origin and history of the flyssa, which generally range in size from dagger size to the huge bladed swords. It does seem certain that these are a fairly recently developed weapon as the earliest known examples in the familiar form seem to be from c.1820's. The 1857 example I cited is identical in form to most of those we see in collections so the form had become established by then, and the 1820's example is only referenced without illustration (Tarussuk & Blair, "Encyclopedia of Weapons").

All the best,
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