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Old 1st December 2005, 03:54 PM   #12
LabanTayo's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Kansas City
Posts: 177

We know what the name, place and date of the sword.
We’re not stumped. Sometimes doing your own research has the best rewards.
The more we learn, the less we know.

In a prior thread, I stated that if you know the local of the sword, you’ll know the name.
That’s why we throw so many names out on the forum. They’re all correct, depending on the dialect where the sword was made. And that could change by traveling 50 km in any direction.

If we were to stick to the National Dialect of Tagalog, then they’re all Bolo’s and Itak’s. Unless you were Tagalog from Batangas or Laguna, then they’re Binakoko or Gulok. Or the Tagalog from Rizal provence, they might be called Espada or Matulis.
See what I mean????

Talibong and Sundang would be correct in naming the swords from the Visayas, because sometimes, we don’t even know where it was made (in the Visayas).

That is best piece of advice I can give the other forum members.
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