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Old 7th January 2019, 03:34 AM   #4
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Thank you for take no the time to add feedback. It can be rather discouraging to share a piece and not get any comments or feedback.

To add to what you have presented. The blade fits very well into the sheath. I don’t know if the selut is original or not but the patina on the hilt as well as the indentations match the current selut. So it has certainly been there for awhile. I do think the ivory has shrunk a bit because the selut is loose.

Like you, I don’t think the blade is Moro but it would have been more clear if I said the construction of the blade reminds me of a Moro blade. The inserted edge plate to each side so perhaps a hard steel edge with a softer core body. The size, thickness at forte and even gangya, make me think this is a fighting blade and this is what makes me think in the ole gut it might be an older blade. Unfortunately, I think a prior owner has sanded the blade because there are a lot of surface scratches and I don’t know how this may have impacted the look of the areas you believe are poorly carved. It doen’t seem awkward to me. It is a substantial blade seemingly meant for business.

The silver pendok is very nice as is the ivory hilt even if not typical. All the more reason to post and hopefully get feedback about it both given your questions about it and my gut feeling about it.

Hope to learn more.
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