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Old 22nd August 2014, 01:39 AM   #13
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Louisville, KY
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You are right Ian when you day that some of us collect other things too.

My major focus in the past several years, however, have been on Filipino antique bladed weaponry.

I collect mainly for these reasons:

1. Heritage - I am half Filipino and my great-grandfather was a member of the Katipunan (he killed about 20 Spanish before he fled for his life). These weapons give me some link to my past and heritage.

2. History - these are pieces of history in our hands.

3. Works of art - since folks in the Philippines (and elsewhere) didn't create paintings, their medium was focused mostly on weaponry (ivory, gold, silver, etc). It's hard to hold a painting in my hand.

4. Warrior culture - weapons like these speak to the warrior spirit within me, symbols of the fight for what is important in life (besides I can defend myself and our home with these).

5. There is a spiritual aspect to these - whether they have talismans on them or the fact that there is a belief that a spirit of the weapon resides in the blade, death and struggle in life are spiritual issues at minimum. As a minister (one of very few who get into this stuff) I feel and sense this aspect in these pieces. Along with this, my martial arts are a part of my spirituality.

6. There is a beauty not just in the weapon itself but in the way it was used and wielded. The movement of the human body in fighting is a dance in itself. In fact several cultures, including those in the Philippines, have dances with weapons in hand as vital aspects of the movement.

I hope I wasn't boring anyone, but Ian you asked.........
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