Thread: Why Post?
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Old 28th June 2009, 11:33 AM   #25
Gavin Nugent
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Default Why Post..

Great question Jim;

Well, to learn of course...that is why we are here aren't we, surely it is not just a picture gallery with no intellectual content.
Even the big dealers pop in here to brush up on info even if they do not share what they may or may not know.

I think Celtan said it best Jim ;-). You are the pillar of the community. You are here with more well versed and referenced content than all the community combined and your vigor for these subjects is an inspiration to all concerned.
No discredit to the others of course, I for one know how limited time is....and to quote Barry in some posting a while back..."if I were a rich man"........I know I'd be a lot more active too.

Gene, your comments are perfect :-), though for me, whilst the three word "very Nice ......." reply is all very nice, it would benefit the whole community if a lot more active and probing questions were asked, though some just prefer to sit on the fence and smile.
Kind of reminds me of the old adage, if your not living on the edge your just taking up on the edge guys, throw your thoughts out there to see what bounces back, don't be afraid and there is no such thing as a silly question.

Stu, your comment, I quote, “Just remember that none of us are experts and we are all still learning." It is so very true.

I cannot understand why individuals would not want to comment on a piece or identify a piece based on who posts it, why the secrets. Really, who cares if it sold on next week, one should feel good about doing a little good in the world, it certainly isn't directly impacting anyone surely?? Good people please clarify for me what would be robbed lost or stolen from an individual when this happens?? I can't see the wood for the trees.
Lew made a good comment some time back with regards to asking about something that may be sold in the near future too, say something like I may be passing this on shortly, but I would like to know something about it. A nice phrase I think.

Rick I like the following comment you made; the bottom line here is that we help identify yet do not openly give appraisals.

Jim, you've done it again, everyone is off their seat for a round of applause and you certainly got the brain cells hopping, this time, not hopping about a weapon but hopping about what makes us tick.
Everyone has their own reasons and I have expressed mine and thank to all who have shared theirs too.

Lee thanks for doing what you have done with this site.

Jim, well thanks for being Jim ;-)

I love this place!

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