Thread: New keris
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Old 28th July 2005, 12:30 AM   #26
marto suwignyo
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 52

Prior to continuing with comments relevant to this thread, I wish to make it known that ten years ago today, on Sabtu Wage, 28 Juli 1995, Bapak Suparman KRT. Supowijoyo, known as Empu Suparman, departed this realm. Today is the tenth anniversary of the death of Empu Suparman.

The question of exactly what the word "pusaka" conveys, is able to be answered in several ways, dependent upon the intent of the person using the word.

In colloquial use in present day Java it can serve as a substitute for the specific name of an item of wesi aji, that is, a keris blade may be referred to as "pusaka", or a tombak blade , or a pedang blade. In colloquial use it can be used to refer to all these items.

In modern Javanese it carries the meanings of :-1-an heirloom, a revered object passed down from an ancestor; 2- an inheritance (krama inggil for warisan); 3- a ricefield owned by one family through several generations.

The word has come into Indonesian, and in this language it carries the meaning of "heirloom".

As applied in correct usage, to a keris, it can only mean a keris that has been inherited from one`s forebears.

From the above it will be understood that the word pusaka does not apply only to keris and other items of wesi aji. It applies to any material object which is inherited from one`s ancestors.

In traditional Hindu/Javanese society, the possession of the royal pusakas were deemed to be essential to legitimise the right of the ruler to rule, however, the events following the surrender of Amangkurat III to the Dutch in 1708, demonstrate that a ruler could hold his position in the absence of the royal pusakas.One of Amangkurat III`s conditions for surrender to the Dutch was that he be permitted to retain the pusakas of the realm of Kartasura. Pakubuwana I (PB I), who ruled Kartasura following Amangkurat III was very upset by this loss of the pusakas, the more so because these pusakas were no longer even in the Land of Jawa, but had gone to Batavia.However, as disturbed as PB I was, he said to Cakrajaya, his chief councillor :-

"It is my feeling, Patih,that even if all the pusakas of the Land of Jawa are taken to Batavia, those that are the pikes and kerises,it concerns me not just as long as there are still the graveyard of Kadilangu and the mosque of Demak. Yea, know that these two are the pusakas of the Land of Jawa which are essential, there are no others."

PB I may well have been trying to validate his right to rule and in effect saying that the royal pusakas other than the mosque and graveyard were not important, but in the context of our present discussion, I believe that this usage of the word "pusaka" clarifies exactly what is meant by the word when used correctly in the Javanese language.

By the time PB I declared that the only pusakas that were really essential were a mosque and a graveyard, Islam had already assumed a dominant role in Javanese society, and in effect, PB I was maintaining the traditional cultural values by his stance that these two things were all that were essential, but he was maintaining the values in an Islamic fashion. In the Balinese cultural tradition, which can in many respects be regarded as a continuation of the culture of pre-Islamic Java, the pusaka keris binds the current custodian of that keris to his ancestors, and to members of his kin group who are still living. This is the cultural role of the keris pusaka. PB I substituted the Mosque of Demak, and the Graveyard of Kadilangu for the keris pusaka, as the things which bound him to his ancestors, and to his kin group, and thus bestowed upon him the right to rule.

So, in a cultural context, not only is a keris pusaka one that has been inherited from one`s ancestors, it is also the physical object that binds the present possessor of that keris pusaka to his ancestors, and to the other members of his kin group.

Regarding the use of the word "empu".
Empu is the title bestowed upon an outstanding poet, writer, artist, or armourer.
In Java, normally one could expect that this title would be bestowed by a Kraton, however, there were instances of famous empus who were not designated thus by a Kraton, but rather came to be known as empu by the wider community. Whereas a Kraton appointed , Javanese empu might be regarded as a part of Kraton heirarchy, and carry a Kraton rank, the empus of Bali were not a part of the Kraton heirarchy, but rather members of the Pande caste, having their own priests, living within their own community, and serving both the common people and the Kraton, upon request.

A pandhe is a blacksmith; this is Javanese usage.
A pandai is a craftsman in metal; this is Indonesian usage.
A pandai besi is a blacksmith (Indonesian).
A pandai keris is a keris craftsman.(Indonesian)

A pandai keris in Java could become an empu if invited to join the heirarchy of a kraton, and given a rank within that heirarchy.

Last edited by marto suwignyo; 28th July 2005 at 01:26 AM.
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