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Old 31st January 2017, 01:44 AM   #28
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 10

Sajen, I will on my return home post better photos. I am traveling and posted what I had. Jim the dating is a complete bear as the reuse of hilts, blades and parts sometimes span a century or more.the more I look at these latin blacksmith swords the more patterns I see in style and design Bill Adams notes the heavy thick short blades may have been designed to cut the hocks of horses for men on foot. Interesting thought process. The earliest espada anchas were much longer and straight bladed, then the short straight blades (possibly reused) then the flat blades with straight forte and sharp upturn in foible, possibly copied from mid 18th century Spanish Dragoon saber with the same blade design. The straight blades with slight turn up in foible seem to start around the beginning of the 19th century. Then seem to get very crude in 1810 to 1830 and straighter still untill taking on a machete look by 1880 or 1890. Then again because as Jim said the reuse of parts disregard everything I said as there can be any number of variations of my theories. While many were used by Soldados de Cuera as many more were used by land owners, los Invalidos and peasants. If others have better information or theories I would love to hear them. Eric
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