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Old 1st January 2015, 11:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by drac2k
Estcrh, beautiful yataghan; is it yours ? I think you are absolutely right about it having been rehilted, especially since it is missing the extensive metal foil work at the hilt which usually accompanies these swords.I did notice some other similarities with your sword; first the heavy throat on the scabbard with a similar stylized design and could your sword also have been rehilted, since it appears that some of the inscriptions appear to have been covered up by the metal foil at the hilt ?
Yes it is mine and it appears to have been rehilted unless inscriptions were routinely covered over. I have a lot of yatagan photos but it was the only one I could find with a similar hilt and scabbard. If you compare the hilts they have the same basic shape, the scabbards both have a decorated throat and no chape.
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