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Old 6th October 2006, 11:06 PM   #23
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 655


First of all I have no claim to be a "serious student of weapons" or an "expert". I am just a savage who likes to discuss pointy thingies.
Second, if Manoucher indeed used the word "prohibited" instead of "taught" it is his mistake or misinterpretation of other's writing. Nothing tragic or horrible about it, and no connection to the book that I can detect.
Third, I strongly suspect that if I start calling all of MIT students asking how their bronze casting is coming, I can be slightly misunderstood. Again, I am not an expert or serious student so I can just assume that swiss pocket knives are a little bit more popular novadays than akenakes.
Fourth, Concerning Dr. Feuerbach: I do not want to spent my time trying to prove that Michelangelo or Shota did not copy their work from persians who were in the mean time "preserving" the knowledge of the classical world, those who are intrested in the subject can just read relevant literature and make up their own opinion.There are a lot of theories our there I don't like, but should we convert Vikingsword into arguing over which one is right ? I think not - you have your crowd at swordforum, Dr. Feuerbach is entitled to her opinion, same as Dr.Farroukh is entitled to his fight against turkish history and Bozkurtlar are entitled to whatever they think.
The devision has not started yesterday; it involves nations, politics and lots of blood. I have made clear my position on the question and I propose further discussion to be moved into private mail - it is a question which is much greater than swords or history, it is how we understand swords and history.
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