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Old 19th February 2008, 06:59 AM   #39
Pukka Bundook
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 803


I thank you for your detailed reply, re. the discovery of the MacGragor sword, it is very fascinating, and could have ended in a tragic manner , had not the sword been rescued from the byre before it was too far gone.

I also thank you for answering the question re. the lining of the hilt. It makes sense to protect the hand from any ivading bars!

When you mentioned Sherrifmuir, I thought of the painting hanging in Elien-Donan, of the McRaes dancing on the rooftop the night before the battle.

The story of the swords being given to the combatants seems to me a bit questionable. ...Would have thought that MacGregor would not have gone walking out without wearing his own.
My grandfather always used to say: "when it's fair, take a coat, When it's raining, please yourself.."
and I think this could be altered somewhat to cover the sword in those times.
(This is pure speculation on my part.)
Also for a swordsman to throw Any good blade into the loch seems to me rather unlikely but having said that, I wasn't there to see what happened!!
If I Had been, and he Did, I'd have marked the spot Very carefully!!

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