Thread: 10 luk blade ?
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Old 11th January 2009, 02:16 PM   #19
Kiai Carita
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 91
Default Indonesian wages, sorry OOT.

Originally Posted by Dajak
Hi David the money they get for it would be a reason they have to work 12 hours for when they get good money 500,000.00 till 600,000.00 an month.
30 till 40 euro an month if you have an good job so they do everything to make money ......
Ben, I don't know where or when you got these figures, but just FYI, the amount you wrote there is way beneath the minimum wages here. If currently someone is paying those wages, they should be reported.

I live in a village, 45 km from the nearest town. Here, a man working in the rice fields makes Rp 900.000 / month. With a few chickens ducks and goats, he can net well over Rp 1 milion / month. Working in the fields is the lowest paid job you can find.

A baber, makes Rp 3 million a month. A builder makes Rp 1.5 million a month. A carpenter, makes up to Rp 3 million a month. These wages are usually with one or two meals included. People pay next to nothing for accomodation and taxes, so they take home most of their earnings. The bigest expenditure for village people is for "gifts" (contributions) for social purpuses; weddings, circumcissions, deaths, births, thanksgivings, visiting the sick etc.

There is no good job that pays 500-600 thousand a month. Even beggars make more than that!
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