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Old 13th November 2012, 03:11 PM   #5
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So here's the essence of the Austronesian religion (below). It's a belief that the cosmos is tripartite: the Upperworld, the earth, and the Underworld. The Upperworld is often symbolized by the sun or the bird or sometimes by fire.
The bird is an obvious choice for the ancient Austronesians because of all creatures, they are the only ones that can go back and forth between the heavens and the earth. The Underworld's typical icon on the other hand is the snake/serpent/naga. But sometimes, the turtle, croc, fish, etc. are also used.
interesting topic, lorenz!

if you don't mind, here's a little (if not, neat) theory:
let's look at a typical Moro Kris. i rhink my diagram can explain it better:
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