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Old 25th September 2005, 06:04 AM   #5
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Posts: 29
Default Thanking everybody

Thanking everybody , I feel being honoured , and am warm . We know here and get together , and am the fine desire of God , and hope that everyone can be happy .

Hi,VANDOO knows that you like the China weapon , and I am happy . The weapon that China is founded after the government leastly has history in 5000 , several ten dynasties , different districts . Several ten thousand kinds of structure differences are made the weapon that the method is different , its development and evolution , and are abstruse , are worth studying , and it is interesting . Hope that more and more person like ! As for person who sells false goods , I despise , but on the other hand it also is one kind of challenge , is not afraid to it and despises it if you have full knowledge .
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