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Old 17th February 2022, 10:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jean View Post
Hello David,
I would also identify the pamor pattern of your blade as rather Raja Abala Raja or Pendita Bala Pendita than Ujung Gunung. As shown in post #8 from Milandro, the triangular motifs of pamor Ujung Gunung are starting all over the blade, while for pamor RAR and PAP they start from the base of the blade.
However if you search "pamor Ujung Gunung" and "pamor Raja Abala Raja" on Google and see the pics, you will get totally confused, so pamor Ujung Gunung may be correctly attributed for your blade...
BTW your blade looks recent also but well made.
Thanks for your input Jean. Please don't take offense, but i wasn't really looking for conformation of the the identity of the pamor pattern of my blade. I was only providing it as an example of a pamor that looks similar to Milandro's blade that has also been identified as Ujung Gunung. When i wrote that my blade was identified as such by a very reliable source i meant it was a source which i trust above all others. That is not to say that my source is infallible, but believe i will continue to refer to the pamor on my blade as Ujung Gunung for the time being. One thing is for certain, this attribution was not obtained by googling "pamor Ujung Gunung" and "pamor Raja Abala Raja" and making online comparisons.
I did make note of the drawings presented by Milandro in post #8. The problem here is why should we consider these drawings to be accurate renderings of the manner in which these pamors are formed. Here, for instance, is another set of drawings that present pamor and dhapur. Please note the way Ujung Gunung is depicted on the left in this illustration showing that pamor. Now look at the other illustration i have posted showing someone else's idea of pamor Raja Abala Raja.This one certainly doesn't look like my keris, does it? It looks more like what is described in the illustration Milandro presented as Junjung Derajat.
Welcome to the Name Game.
As Alan questioned above. "So, correct? Correct according to who?".
Are there really any questions in the keris world that all the "experts" can ever truly agree on? In the end, you choose your experts and i'll choose mine.
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