Thread: Poisoned pearls
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Old 27th November 2017, 04:16 PM   #12
Jens Nordlunde
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I have blades with steel bearings, pearls were also used, although they are very soft, but I have also heard about rubies being used.

It is true what Jim and Mercenary writes, that the logic we use to day can not be used if one want to understand how the Indian's thought centuries ago. How was the logic used in Europe centries ago, most certainly not like it is to day.
Another thing is, that in India there lived Hindu's, Muslims - not all arrived at the same time, Arabs, people from Africa, Turky, Persia, Afghanistan, and a lot of other countries. It is likely that each of these groups had their own logic and their own believes.
To try to understand this, it takes a lot of reading texts from authors of different origins.
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